Closing the Interviewer

Closing the employer must be accomplished and then repeated at the end of each and every interview. Phone: 1st, 2nd, Final. The very best way to close the Hiring Authority follows:

  1. Mr. Employer, I’ve appreciated the opportunity to talk with you today.
  2. I want you to know that I am very interested in the position.
  3. I am confident that I could manage all of the duties and responsibilities.
  4. I would like very much to come work for you and your company.
  5. When can we arrange to talk again regarding your decision to offer me this position?

When the interview is completed and you have returned to your home/office, write a personal note saying exactly the same thing and send it to him/her the same day. Email is acceptable.

  • Get the offer so you have a decision to make.
  • First impressions are lasting ones!
  • A decision not to hire is often made in the first 10 minutes. Be prepared!